9th December 1667. Unholy Trinity.

William Whiston, theologian, historian and mathematician born Today in 1667 was a leading populariser of the works of Isaac Newton and helped to instigate the Longitude Act 1714; the solving of the problem of Longitude from which he hopefully wished to benefit financially.

Whiston was also a translator of ‘The Antiquity of Jesus’, by the Jewish scholar Flavius Josephus, but more importantly was a prominent exponent of Arianism which denied the Christian notion of The Trinity, which asserted that Jesus was the son of God, begotten by God the father, at a point in time. (1)

The Three in One notion of the Trinity, which even today is a complete mystery, accepted as Christian doctrine, but without any understanding. The notion originated in paganism with the worship of the sun and satan at the Biblical Babel, a paganism which entered the church in Rome in the early centuries, a heathen Trinity brought into the Catholic Church and set to take many forms.

The Council of Nicea in 325 CE condemned Arianism for believing Jesus had a beginning without regard as to whether he was created or begotten.

This attempt to rationalise Christian doctrine was followed by Emperor Theodosius the Great convening the Council of Constantinople in 381 to affirm the divinity of the Holy Spirit bearing in mind that up till then it had nowhere been clearly stated-certainly not in Biblical scripture.

At the Council there was attempt to affirm Tertullian’s Trinity which unlike today’s, which introduced pagan ideas of oblation for the dead, the sign of the cross on the forehead and dipping three times to baptise, heathen practises, attempts to reconcile the pagan with Christianity.

There it was also decided that the Holy Spirit was literal, being co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. Those disagreeing were condemned as ‘foolish madmen’ and dealt with accordingly: by 381 the Doctrine of the Trinity was fully established, later to become Catholic doctrine.

Thus the Trinity was never a common term until centuries after the books of the Bible had been written and long after the Apostles were in their graves being first used by Tertullian at the close of the 2nd century CE and not to be clarified until the 4th and 5th centuries. (2)

As with all myths the idea of The Trinity go back to ancient recorded history, to the Biblical Babel (Babylon) and the Plain of Shinar by the Euphrates, and to Nimrod and his plan to strengthen his own religion by marrying his mother Semiramis. This is the origin of the sun worshipping founder of Babylon who rebelled against the Lord, the ‘true God’ of Noah.

We thus have the Trinity of Nimrod, Tammuz, and Semiramis who demanded worship for herself son and husband and was a worship of three which spread to other cultures resulting from God’s confusion of the languages at Babel.

Thus we find in ancient Egypt: Osiris, Horus and Isis; in Greece: Zeus, Apollo and Athena; in India: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and in Rome; Jupiter, Mars and Venus.

The gold halo in the figures below did not relate to holiness but purely as a representation of the Sun King.

Osiris, Horus, Isis.

Brahma,Vishnu, Shiva.










Zeus, Apollo, Athena.

Jupiter, Mars, Venus.







One pagan symbol is the Trinity-Knot, the three interlocking circles of three ‘6s’ overlaid (666) known as the Triquetra and today to be found on the Pope’s mitre, Catholic vestments, stained glass and also found in some editions of the New King James Bible and once used by satanist and occultist Alaister Crowley.

Whiston born in Norton-Juxta-Twycross, Leics., quit the Church of England literally and figuratively as the clergyman began to read the Athanasian Creed and left 3 volumes of memoirs after his death in 1752, without mentioning the account of proceedings taken against him at Cambridge for his anti-Trinitarianism.




Book of Genesis.

A. W. Tozer Knowledge of the Holy Trinity. 1961.

Luther.  Sermons. J. lenker ed vol v3 1988.

H.G. Wells. Outline of History 1920  v2.

(1) Arian 256-336.

(2) People ranging from Martin Luther and writer H. G. Wells both agreed there is no biblical reference to The Trinity.

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About colindunkerley

My name is Colin Dunkerley who having spent two years in the Royal Army Pay Corps ploughed many a barren industrial furrow until drawn to the 'chalk-face' as a teacher, now retired. I have spent the last 15 years researching all aspects of life in Britain since Roman times.

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